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How to Lose Weight without Dieting

Dieting is not easy, even if you’re desperate to lose weight.

But some of the best ways to burn fat and build muscle don’t have to involve dieting at all.

Everyone knows that dieting isn’t exactly easy.

First there’s the problem of which “burn fat build muscle” method to follow when you want to lose weight.

There are probably millions of different types of weight loss drink and diets online, and choosing which ones are the best can be a monumental task in itself.

Then there’s the problem of having the discipline to actually stick to a diet that helps build muscle and burn fat. Such a diet usually means you eat less food which makes you feel hungry almost all the time.

Then you also have to avoid eating all those food items that taste delicious – the ones which usually lead to weight gain, such as fast food, donuts, cake, ice cream, and all the comfort foods you’ve loved through the years.

Finally, dieting in itself has a very dismal success record…

Even if it does keep the weight off for a while, for most people the lost weight tends to come back with a vengeance. Some experts peg the failure rate diets in general at 95%.

Even with the best ways to burn fat won’t give you permanent results unless you’re willing to make significant lifestyle changes.

So you can’t be faulted for wondering if there’s ever a way to build muscle and burn fat without having to go on a diet. And it turns out that some of the best ways to burn fat and lose weight can be without dieting.

Fix Your Sleep Issues

Fix Your Sleep Issues

Obesity has been called a health epidemic, as about two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese.

And do you know what else the CDC calls an epidemic? Insufficient sleep.

One 2004 study revealed that if you sleep less than 6 hours a day, you’re 30% more likely to be obese than if you slept 7 to 9 hours a day.

So when it comes to body weight, it really does turn out that when you snooze, you lose.

Researchers believe that it’s not really because you have more hours awake and therefore you have more chances of eating more food.

It’s because the lack of sleep causes a decline in leptin levels, which causes the feeling of hunger. And the level of ghrelin goes up, which causes you to crave fat calories.

You may also want to seek treatment for your sleep apnea. About 18 million Americans have this condition, which is associated with obesity.

While the weight gain may lead to apnea, the apnea in turn may perpetuate the obesity by messing with the hormones and leaving you without enough energy to exercise.

Do Something Active and Fun

Do Something Active and Fun

Ask any doctor about how to burn fat for women and men, and chances are that for weight loss you’ll need both a healthy diet and regular exercise. And exercise may be as difficult for some as dieting.

But it may not be so difficult if you enjoy the exercises. That means you should take up sports, because they’re some of the best ways to burn fat.

Millions of people enjoy a wide variety of sports. It’s simply fun to play athletic games, and the competition may encourage you to be more active.

While not everyone may enjoy going to a gym and working out, millions of people enjoy basketball, tennis, soccer, squash, and even biking.

If that may seem too strenuous for you, then even an hour-long walk a day can help you lose weight. The best way to do this is to take your walk outside.

You can enjoy the nature views, you can indulge in people-watching, or you can listen to your favorite music or an exciting audio-book.

Another activity that’s really becoming popular is yoga.

Yoga for Weight Loss

A study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association reports that women who participate in yoga generally weigh less than those who don’t.

The reason for yoga’s success as a weight loss method may be because it can help raise your self-awareness.

That can help you become more aware of what you eat and how often and how much you eat. With yoga, you may be able to stop yourself from bingeing.

Yoga also reduces stress, and stress is a major contributor for the need for comfort foods or alcohol, which of course leads to weight gain.

If you’re not really a sports or yoga fan, you can still burn fat by puttering in the garden by planting flowers or pulling weeds. You can also mow the lawn. You can even clean the house thoroughly.

These activities may not be enjoyable, but they’re necessary anyway, so you should do them yourself instead of letting others do it.

Deal with Your Emotional Problems

Emotional Problems

It may not be a bad idea to seek the help of a psychologist to help you with your weight issues.

Many people turn to food for solace when they’re unhappy or when they have to deal with emotional issues.

By getting the help of the psychologist, you can deal with these emotional upheavals more effectively.
Think about it.

Some people eat ice cream, chocolate, or cake when they feel down because of a breakup, and these food items are notoriously fattening.

And some turn to beer, which can truly pack the calories as well.

Trick Yourself into Eating Less

While this may sound like a version of dieting, the following tips aren’t really all that difficult to do if you are serious about finding the best way to burn fat for women:

  • Eat more slowly. Your body needs time to realize that you’re full, so by eating more slowly you can cut back on the calories and still get that full feeling you love.
  • Use smaller plates. A lot of studies show that doing this can shave off as many as 200 calories a day, and you won’t even feel the difference.
  • Drink lots of water. Dehydration is of course something you want to avoid when you want to remain healthy. But drinking lots of water also helps you feel full, and that may prevent you from getting the munchies.
  • Choose to eat at home than eat out. This is a habit adopted by many people who have successful lost weight on a permanent basis.

Dieting is a very difficult endeavor, but the good news is, it may not always be necessary for those looking for the best way to burn body fat. With the tips above, you may still lose weight without having to feel hungry all the time.

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